Who are your favorite authors? Lily Luchesi, Ann Lister, Anne Rice, Shannon Perrine, JK Rowling
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote? Yes, it was The Awakening, book 1 of The Elders Trilogy.
Where is your favorite place to write? Out on my deck.
When you develop characters do you already know who they are before you begin writing or do you let them develop as you go? Both, I have a good idea going into it as to who they are. But as I tap along they morph into who they want to be.
Does writing energize or exhaust you? Energize, it’s a Zen for me.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? That I could do this, I didn’t know I had it in me to write until 9 years ago.
What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel? Lily Luchesi’s Paranormal Detective Series
How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? Easily a dozen.
What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? I find that easier than writing characters that share the same gender as I do.
How many hours a day do you write? 4-6
How do you select the names of your characters? Depends on what I’m writing. If it’s set in other countries or is historic I’ll google names from those times and places.
How long on average does it take you to write a book? A rough draft takes about 45 days.
What is your favorite font? Comic Sans
What is your favorite cover from your books? Book 1 from the Social Sinners series with Cody Criswell on the cover.
Which of your characters would you most love to have as a friend? Sebastian from The Sebastian Chronicles. He’s a vampire with no boundaries 
What is your favorite childhood book? Are you there God? It’s me, Margaret by Judy Blume
What was your first job? Ugh, McDonald’s. I lasted all of 2 months there.
What's the worst job you have had? Same as above. It was awful.
Favorite snack to indulge on while writing? Cheese and crackers with a glass of wine.
What drink will we find you with when you’re writing? Anything that has vodka in it.
What drink will we find you with when you’re out with friends? Anything that has vodka in it 
Do you write part time or full time? Full time as of today, but as of next week it will be part time because I’ll be rejoining the workforce.
If you could co-write with anyone, who would you choose? Ann Lister and Lily Luchesi
What is the best typo you've ever written? Spell check changed Andy to anal. Goes to show you write I write most of!
Do you need silence or music while writing? Music.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Extreme extrovert.
What tidbit into your everyday life would surprise your readers the most? Ha, that I have a background and am certified in mold remediation.
Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m a night owl.
Favorite vacation you have taken? My husband and I took a 2 week road trip last year down the pacific coast. It was awesome.
What is your dream vacation? Tuscany
Do you have any pets? I lost both of my beloved deaf, white boxers 8 weeks apart at the beginning of this year. So now it’s just me and my polydactyl cat Sloth.
What is the first thing you check on your phone or computer in the morning? Texts and emails
What’s your most embarrassing moment? Too many to choose from.
What country/state/territory do you live in? I’m I Seattle baby!
How many places have you lived? I’ve lived in 4 states and far too many places in them to count.
If you could live somewhere else, where would you choose? Tuscany
Would you rather cook or clean? Cook, I love cooking.
Are you a list maker? Yes, otherwise my old ass forgets what I’m supposed to do.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? Move away from my adult sons.
What did you do growing up that got you into trouble? Everything, I’m hyper so I gave my folks a run for their money!
What’s your favorite holiday? Halloween
What’s your favorite sport or physical activity? Football and Hockey – Go Cowboys!
What’s your favorite smell? Clean laundry.
If you could eat only 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be? Pasta, pasta and oh yeah, pasta 
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? That I was taller.
Favorite singer/band? Five Finger Death Punch / Ivan Moody
Favorite celebrity? Mmm, Brock O’Hurn
Favorite movies? All of the Harry Potter series
Favorite Disney movie? Beauty and the Beast
Lake, Beach, or mountain? Mountain
Favorite comfort food? Chocolate
Where to find TL Travis -
TL Travis
Author with CHBB/Vamptasy Publishing/
Encompass Ink/Hot Ink Press
PO Box 12126
Mill Creek, WA 98082
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