Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway:
Street of Dreams by Jenna Galicki

The Road to , Book 4
One street touched a thousand lives and sent two boys in opposite directions.
For Reid Mackenzie, Street of Dreams offers hope for a better life and a chance to share his music with the world. For Jake King, it reinforces his life of crime and the ties to a city that empowers him.
They were two boys, growing up side by side in the same neighborhood, but their lives couldn’t be more different. Mac comes from a humble Scottish family and dreams of the stage and the day he has enough money to escape Chicago’s South Side. Jake knows he’ll never leave. The impoverished city, and his notorious father, have a hold on him that won’t let go.
Circumstances force them to carry on their relationship in private, until it explodes in the worst way. With the will of a warrior, Jake vows he’ll do whatever he has to in order for them to be together, no matter how brutal the consequences.
This is a story of courage, kilts, and second chances.
Street of Dreams is the fourth book in the multi-author Road to Rocktoberfest series. Each book can be read as a standalone, but why not stay and enjoy the whole show? If you like scorching tales of hot rock stars and the men who love them, then you’ll adore the untamed musicians of Rocktoberfest!

Street of Dreams is an amazing enemies to lovers romance by Jenna Galicki. The fourth book in the multi-author The Road to Rocktoberfest series, it's easily read as a standalone.
The majority of their story is long before Mac's music career takes off. Instead, we get an intense tale of want, need, and fear. It definitely took me a while to get invested in this one, but once I did, wow, I couldn't put it down.
The enemies to lovers aspect is well done, as Jake and Mac have been fighting since childhood. Jake is truly awful to Mac, with Mac often pushed to his limit. But as Jake says, "...I think you know there's more to me than just being a jerk all the time." Damn, at first Jake is hard to love. There was only so much give and take I could handle. But then we get Jake's story and it becomes understandable. I still hurt for Mac though and wanted more for him. Hell, I hurt for both of them. Basically, I was as wrecked as they both were.
The homophobic element is the driving factor of their journey, as Jake certainly can't come out in his family. His father is a evil, ruthless man, who lives in a world of gangs, danger, and control. The family issues truly had me gutted, with so much hate, pain, and devastation. It's absolutely agonizing at times, with the pain jumping off the pages. I definitely was ready to cry often.
As for the rocker aspect of the story, it's there, mostly at the end. It definitely isn't the main aspect of this tale though. It is used more to guide things along. So if you're in the mood for straight up rocker romance, this probably isn't for you. But if you're in the mood to be agonizingly destroyed, read on.
Street of Dreams is riveting, exceptional and all-consuming. I am still shocked by how amazing this Jenna Galicki book is. It is definitely one hell of an impressive read. Seriously, I am still floored by Jake's decision at the turning book of the story. This one just blew me away!

Jake sat with his back against the headboard, smoking cigarette after cigarette, while re-runs of Friends played on the flat screen. He glanced at the time on the cable box for the fourth time, just as a knock sounded on the door. One side of his mouth drew back in a smile while he slowly brought his feet to the floor. He snubbed out his Marlboro in the ashtray on the nightstand and leisurely walked across the room. Another impatient knock on the door made him slow his stride, even though he wanted to run. He counted to three before he turned the knob. “I knew you’d come.”
Mac didn’t reply. He only stood there glaring at Jake with fire behind his eyes. Jake knew that look so well. It was burning lust, overwrought with passion, and he allowed himself to drink in the man in front of him. How he’d missed that mane of deep red hair and those incredibly soulful eyes. They were bottomless pools of emotion. And they were boring into Jake with madness that seemed incomprehensible. They conveyed equal parts of love and rage.
Jake had always thought a hair separated love and hate, anger and passion, and that both sides of the emotions were interchangeable at times. Mac proved that theory, because seeing how his eyes shifted from hostile to deep longing and back again was like flipping a switch on and off.
Jake watched as Mac’s nostrils flared and his deep breaths blew his long hair off his chest. His hair and his upper body had grown significantly. The tight T-shirt strained across Mac’s broadened chest, and the short sleeves pinched the indent between his deltoids and biceps. Jake’s eyes dropped lower, and his knees almost buckled. Mac had worn the kilt. It wasn’t the same one he wore earlier at the show, which meant Mac had showered and changed, and deliberately worn a kilt at Jake’s request. Warmth, that hadn’t been there in a long time, filled Jake’s chest, and a crooked smile spread across his lips. “You wore the kilt.”
Mac pushed past Jake and marched into the room, tugging at the roots of his hair. He suddenly stopped and swung around, wildly. “I couldn’t stop fucking thinking about you! I can’t believe the way you get in my head!”
Jake’s smile broadened because he knew that passion lurked under all the anger. Mac wouldn’t be here if he didn’t care. There wouldn’t be fire behind his eyes, and his jaw wouldn’t be clenched. Labored breaths wouldn’t be blowing in and out of his lungs, and there wouldn’t be such vehemence behind his words. But Jake never doubted Mac’s feelings for one fucking minute. Not one fucking second. The two of them were bound together by some kind of invisible rope, that may stretch to the limits sometimes, but it would never break. Their lives couldn’t be more different, but their souls were cemented together.
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To celebrate the release of Street of Dreams, Jenna is giving away a $10 Amazon Gift Card!
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Jenna Galicki writes rock star romance in multiple genres, including mf, mmf and mm. A native New Yorker, she now resides in Southern California. She's a Rottweiler enthusiast and an avid music buff. When she's not hunched over a computer, you can find her front row at a rock concert.
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