Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to Howl at the Moon (Howl at the Moon #1) by Eli Easton


Sheriff Lance Beaufort is not going to let trouble into his town, no sir. Tucked away in the California mountains, Mad Creek has secrets to keep, like the fact that half the town consists of ‘quickened’—dogs who have gained the ability to become human. Descended on both sides from Border Collies, Lance is as alert a guardian as they come.

Tim Weston is looking for a safe haven. After learning that his boss patented all of Tim’s work on vegetable hybrids in his own name, Tim quit his old job. A client offers him use of her cabin in Mad Creek, and Tim sees a chance for a new start. But the shy gardener has a way of fumbling and sounding like a liar around strangers, particularly gorgeous alpha men like Sheriff Beaufort.

Lance’s hackles are definitely raised by the lanky young stranger. He’s concerned about marijuana growers moving into Mad Creek, and he’s not satisfied with the boy’s story. Lance decides a bit of undercover work is called for. When Tim hits a beautiful black collie with his car and adopts the dog, its love at first sight for both Tim and Lance’s inner dog. Pretending to be a pet is about to get Sheriff Beaufort in very hot water. 

My Rating - 5 Stars!

Howl at the Moon has been on my to-read list for years. I am delightfully surprised and pleased to have finally taken the time to read this Eli Easton gem. Yes, I know Eli Easton is an excellent writer, but this is so much more than I could have ever expected.

If you follow my blog, you know I don't read a lot of shifter books. But this one is so damn special. I absolutely fell in love with this town of dog shifters. Dogs. Does it get any better than dogs? The answer is no, by the way. 

The author excels at her description of the dog's feelings, as well as the bond between dogs and their owners. It is heart-warming and as feel-good as it gets.  As dogs are a natural companion for people, this gives the shifter idea a whole new twist. Also as a fan of dogs, it makes everything cute and sweet when anyone's in dog form. 

Of course, this story between Lance and Tim involves a whole lot of secrets and sneaking around, as Tim is human and the town protects their secrets. Involving a search for drug dealers, and some danger, this book has plenty of action. But more than anything, the reader can't help but to fall for Lance and Tim. Their relationship develops in a unique manner and just pulled at my heart-strings throughout.

Lance is one who's always serious. He's always been afraid to live, and his dog side is something he needs to embrace more. Watching him in his dog form is amazingly awesome. For Lance and Tim, this is a tale of fears, facing fears, and challenging oneself. And it's magnificent!

I absolutely love Howl at the Moon and can't wait to devour this entire series. Eli Easton is a genius for combining shifter dogs into this amazingly emotional, tender, and sweet romance. I can't recommend it enough, even for readers who aren't fans of shifters.

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