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Thursday, March 31, 2022
MF - The Confidence of Wildflowers (Wildflower #1) by Micalea Smeltzer
Getting Off by J.R. Hart
Title: Getting Off
Author: J.R. Hart
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: 02/08/2022
Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex
Pairing: Male/Male
Length: 69300
Genre: Contemporary, LGBTQIA+, romance, contemporary, new adult, family-drama, gay, bisexual, demisexual, questioning, college, sports team
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JJ is certain he’s got everything figured out. He’s straight, right? He’s just not into the hookup culture prevalent on his college soccer team. But he’s trying to hide that to avoid getting on his team captain’s bad side.
Kade is anything but straight. Out and proud, he’s curious about how the “other half” lives… even as his best friends remind him there’s more to the LGBTQ+ community than just the “G.” Curious, Kade texts JJ a simple question: do straight guys ever get off together?
When JJ’s reply leads to a head-spinning sexual spark, he starts questioning everything he knows about his sexuality, both in terms of who he’s attracted to, and also why hookups have never been his thing. But when JJ endures trauma that confuses him more, he starts pushing Kade away. Kade has to learn how to be a supportive friend, and more than that, a supportive partner, or risk losing JJ altogether. And JJ? He has to fight for his team to be team players, even when they suspect he’s “playing for the other team.”
Getting Off
J.R. Hart © 2022
All Rights Reserved
I want to believe JJ when he tells me straight guys get off together. And I have no reason not to believe him. But still, the whole situation feels strange to me. Straight guys? Getting off together? Blame it on boredom, blame it on my complete willingness to run into a situation headfirst without knowing what I’m getting myself into, but I plan on going.
Because I want so badly to believe. I don’t know why, other than I’m just so damn curious about the whole situation. Call it anthropological. Or call it my intense need to believe some form of porn is actually true. Hell, blame it on an ill-fated crush on a straight jock I’d never have a chance with.
I’ve still got a seed of doubt.
I mean, the whole question came from a questionable situation in the first place: a hookup with someone who says he’s straight. That isn’t uncommon on hookup apps, the kind of guys who say, “It’s not gay to top,” while actively trying to get in a gay guy’s pants, but I don’t have time to unpack all their internalized homophobia or whatever. I’m not going to sit someone down and tell him, “Hey, bro, maybe you’re not straight if the person you’re topping is also a guy.” But my point stands. I had a hookup, he said he was straight, and he mentioned some offhand comment about how straight guys watch porn together.
Which, whatever. I brushed that off at the time. But now it’s been eating at me and worming its way through the back of my mind, and I’ve got two major questions about what he said.
One, how many of his friends are actually straight versus straight in the way he’s straight, and therefore what they’re doing would be an objectively non-straight activity?
And two, is there a chance there are straight guys in the world who watch porn together? Because I believe there are guys who share porn recommendations. I believe guys tell each other that such-and-such girl in such-and-such video is hot and they should check it out. Recommendations, I find entirely plausible. Watch parties? Not so much.
I’d ask my friends, but let’s be real. None of my friends are straight. A lone gay best friend in a pack of straights is the kind of Hollywood wildness that doesn’t seem to happen in real life. You watch movies, or read books, and you’ll see this one gay best friend in a group of a bunch of straight people and I sit there and think, Where’s the actual representation here? Gays clump together. We can’t help it. So, my friend group? Not a good starting point for finding out what The Straights do in their free time.
I have exactly one straight friend I can ask, outside of my roommate, and I’ve never seen my roommate invite anyone over for any reason, let alone to watch porn with them. Which narrows it down to the one straight friend: JJ. And I feel like I can trust JJ, trust what he’s saying is true, but there’s this part of me doubting the whole thing. I can’t picture the scene: a group of guys, watching porn, hands on their dicks…the whole concept is wild to me. From a sociological perspective, I’m absolutely fascinated.
And maybe I’m just being jerked around by my hookup. If I am, this is good information to have. If he’s lying, okay, maybe it won’t necessarily change my behavior, but it’ll make me feel the tiniest bit more satisfied if I know he was lying all along. And now that I’ve reached out to JJ I’m obsessed with the idea.
The thought of men actually doing this? Come on, that’s just the sort of bad porno aesthetic I’m into. It ranks right up there with, “let’s play strip pool before my mom gets home,” or, “I was out jogging in the woods and this hot guy just happened to catch up with me and offer me a bottle of water, and also his dick.” It makes me wonder, what will happen next? The muscular jock sucks the twink off? I’ve seen it a million times, just not in real life, and never with straight guys who would probably never even touch each other. Still, I want to witness it firsthand, or something. I’m craving confirmation.
Which is why I asked JJ. Because I can trust him, because he’s straight, and because he’s disposable. Which sounds really shitty but hear me out. JJ and I aren’t close. I mean, we’re close in that he hosts a good study group, and it’s nice to have a friend in class, but I don’t know him know him. We aren’t BFFs or anything. If this situation were to go horribly wrong, get super awkward, and he felt bad or weird about it after—not that I think anything is going to happen, but I’m not ruling out the possibility—then we don’t have to talk to each other anymore.
Plus, he lives in my building, and I am a slut for convenience. He’s right here, two floors down, and anyway, he’s hot. I mean, abs for days, long limbs, soccer body… I’m not into sports, but they’d almost be worth watching for the way the players strip their jerseys off after a game, mop the sweat off their brow…fuck. If I’m going to watch this kind of scene—from a purely sociological standpoint, mind you—it helps if the guys involved are, you know, aesthetically appealing.
And I can’t ask a stranger. How would I know if a stranger was bullshitting me? And JJ’s not bullshitting me. I don’t think so, anyway. JJ just gives off one of those vibes. Like, trustworthy. Honest. The kind of guy who tells the truth about everything. He doesn’t seem like someone who would fuck with me, you know? And he’s a throwaway. If he got offended by me asking, well, then I haven’t lost a whole lot. He’s a no-lose option. And besides, he didn’t say no. That gives me the confirmation I need: two straight guys—or rather, one straight guy and one guy who claims he’s straight but is on an app designed for gay hookups—have confirmed this for me now. Apparently, straight guys do jerk off together. And apparently, I’m going to get to witness it firsthand. I can’t say I’m not excited.
But confirmation, the words alone, aren’t enough. Not when he’s already offered to let me witness this ridiculous, beautiful event for myself. And I want to. I want to see it so bad. I’m not expecting personal gratification because these are straight guys and straight guys probably watch straight porn, and I also know to keep my hands to myself. But I’m there for sociological reasons. Or, anthropological ones, maybe. But I know JJ from sociology class, and from a sociological perspective…you know. So, I’m going. Art History be damned, because—this once—I can miss that class.
Which is why on Tuesday at two in the afternoon, I’m standing outside JJ’s dorm, knocking. I’ve been here before a couple of times, mostly for study groups, but this is different. There aren’t any textbooks this time, no crowding around his coffee table made out of splintering pallets and an unfinished sheet of plywood. So, I’m standing here, still knocking, wondering what this is going to be like. I’m not sure what to picture, how many guys might be here, or if I’ll even know what to do with myself. After all, I’m only here to observe, but if they’re all sitting there with their dicks out, I’m going to look like an asshole if I’m not doing the same thing. I’m starting to get cold feet about the whole situation, ready to turn around and leave, because am I really about to sit in on a group of straight guys watching porn? The whole situation screams an opportunity for me to basically get hate crimed, and I’m realizing the potential for this to go wrong…except it’s a little late to back out now the door’s opening, and JJ’s standing there in nothing but his boxers.
Also, he’s alone.
I’m not sure how to take that.
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MF - Love to Hate You by Whitley Cox
Since the first day of kindergarten, I have hated Alexandra Hartford.
And twenty-something years later that hasn’t changed.
But she has.
She’s still a tomboy with a chip on her shoulder, but now she’s a hot tomboy with a chip on her tattooed shoulder who can fight like a badass.
I’d still rather have a bath with fire ants than spend ten days in a car with her, but she has something I need.
Once the deal is done, we can go our separate ways.
That is … if I want to.
Eli Evans is my nemesis.
He blames me for his sister’s death, our parents’ divorces, and probably global warming, too.
Why on Earth would I help him?
Because he’s as easy on the eyes as he is the bane of my existence and I need a hot date to a wedding in San Diego.
Can we drive across the country without me leaving him at a truck stop somewhere? I doubt it.
But, I’m willing to try.
Ten days in a car, a wedding, and a marriage of convenience, then I’m done with him forever.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
RELEASE BLITZ - Frat Wars: King of Thieves (Frat Wars #1) by Saxon James

Frat Wars - Book Two
by Saxon James
Release Blitz
Release Date: March 23, 2022
Cover Design: Story Styling Cover Designs
Bro big or bro home.
As social chair of Sigma Beta Psi, I’m the life of the party. It’s what I’m known for, and if it’s not fun, I’m not interested, simple as that.
I’m not someone who overthinks.
So when one of my brothers hooks up with a dude from another frat house, it catches me off guard when I can’t stop thinking about them … together.
There’s only one way for me to get this obsession out of my head and that’s by jumping in with both feet and putting it into practice.
The problem is, the one guy who’s up for the ride, is the last one I’d expect.
Being risk manager of a frat house is nobody’s idea of a good time. My brothers get annoyed when I put a damper on their plans, and wrangling drunken frat brothers isn’t how I pictured my Saturday nights of senior year.
I’m bored.
In a rut.
Study, frat duties, planning for the future.
When is it my turn to let loose for a moment?
So when my dumb-as-bricks frat bro is scoping out the house for a little experimenting fun, I throw out the offer like it isn’t the most nerve-wracking thing I’ve ever considered.
I never imagined I’d actually enjoy it.
Written in alternating first person pov, the characters fully come alive. And I love it all. The characters are fabulous, both charming and adorable. And the writing style makes everything flow wonderfully.
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Frat Wars - Book One
Available Now
Saxon James unapologetically writes happy endings for LGBT+ characters.
While not writing, SM is a readaholic and Netflix addict who regularly lives on a sustainable diet of chocolate and coffee.
Member of SCBWI.
Connect with Saxon

Thursday, March 17, 2022
RELEASE BLITZ & REVIEW - MF - You Keep Breaking Us by Carrie Aarons
You Keep Breaking Us by Carrie Aarons is live!
We were the ultimate example of that couple who can't live with each other, but can't seem to function without each other.
The minute I met Callum Strass at fifteen, I was a goner. We were the golden couple of our high school. The king and queen of prom, the sweethearts voted most likely to get married and have babies, and the absolute idiots who decided to attend the same college.
Because that's when it all fell apart. The naïve, puppy love versions of ourselves couldn't see the obvious cracks we'd had back in our hometown. But they sure revealed themselves when we started living in an off-campus house together with four of our other friends.
Within a semester, blow-out fights, jealousy, every-other-week breakups, and my abandonment issues had him bowing out. Not just on me, but on the house, too. Until our senior year, when his parents refuse to keep paying rent on two places.
So he moves back in, and I'm forced to live with my ex. The one who has ruined all other men for me. The one I still cry myself to sleep at night thinking about. The one who confesses, during a run-in in a dark hallway, that he hates how much he still loves me.
And when he starts dating again, he might as well plunge a knife straight through my heart. Despite our breakup, I'm on the verge of losing him for real this time, and possibly forever. The only option is to seek help for my deep-seated trauma, the thing that Callum always encouraged me to see someone about. The thing that eventually pushed him away.
Put two of the most driven, headstrong, and passionate people in any relationship and it's bound to combust. We've always had that twin flame kind of love.
So, together we might burn. But we also might heal.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
Goodreads: https://bit.ly/341eryX

You Keep Breaking Us is a wonderful romance by Carrie Aarons. But, omg, the pain and angst is heavy in this one throughout.
Bevan and Callum have a long and sorted history. In this part of their journey, their relationship is broken.
This is a story of love just not being enough to keep a relationship going. Their relationship is toxic and has been for many years. But the love has always remained.
Bevan's life is one that includes trauma. She desperately needs to deal with her past before she can be in a proper relationship. It's hard to read, but it's great seeing her path in the long run.
Their story includes finding a way to live without the one you love. Their story includes two people who need to learn to stop pushing each other's buttons and to be respectful and honest with one another.
This is their journey towards healing. They both have some things to work on, with Bevan having the brunt of the work to do on herself.
You Keep Breaking Us is a compelling second chance (or more like umpteenth chance) romance. Carrie Aarons brings a lot or realistic feel to this book and I couldn't put it down.

Author of romance novels such as Fool Me Twice and Love at First Fight, Carrie Aarons writes books that are just as swoon-worthy as they are sarcastic. A former journalist, she prefers the love stories of her imagination, and the athleisure dress code, much better.
When she isn't writing, Carrie is busy binging reality TV, having a love/hate relationship with cardio, and trying not to burn dinner. She lives in the suburbs of New Jersey with her husband, two children and ninety-pound rescue pup.
Connect with Carrie
Website | www.authorcarrieaarons.com
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Bevan and Callum have a long and sorted history. In this part of their journey, their relationship is broken.
The Hitman's Guide to Righting Wrongs While Causing Mayhem (The Hitman's Guide #4) by Alice Winters
Growing up, I was taught that getting too close to someone would be my downfall. But I’ve proven that wrong now that I’m happily married to Jackson, the greatest man in the world. The issue is that mayhem always seems to find me (which is definitely not my fault), and this time, it comes in the form of a woman looking for her daughter. What starts as a simple missing persons case turns into so much more, forcing me to rely on my found family and others, including a muscley “bear” who will definitely not whisk away my husband with his irritatingly sexy accent—I mean, yes, I’m very focused on this case… Jackson, don’t look at me like that.
While Leland is “code potatoing” (whatever that means on his strange cheat sheet), I’m left questioning what he’s gotten himself into this time. At least he’s willing to let me assist him, even if he’s still positive that I should just “sit pretty” and let him handle everything. But with the girl missing, he knows we need to work together to determine whose game we’re playing because not everything is as it seems. Of course, when one gets involved with Leland, nothing is ever simple. But maybe that’s just the way I like it.
Contains: speed walking up way too many stairs while holding pointy objects, feel-better cookies that didn’t turn out quite right, Spanish that definitely isn’t Spanish, and lots of long-suffering people being swept up in Leland’s shenanigans once more.
And let's not forget about all the secondary characters. I love them all. Henry, Cassel, Kevin, Mila, etc.
The Geeky Jock Paradox (College Boys of New Haven #5) by Hayden Hall
When my roommate-to-be opens the door wearing nothing but a wet towel and a smile on his face, I only know one thing for sure: my world is about to be turned upside down.
A wrestling jock, a hottie, and as straight as a plank, Hunter is not the guy I should want. But all the shoulds and shouldn’ts fly out the window when it turns out that Hunter is actually a huge geek and not nearly as straight as I thought.
The fact that my high school crush asked me to wait for him until after college only makes my problems worse. But some terrible timing and an unlocked bedroom door end up being less of a problem than the ticking clock.
Can this college-only fling really be all that I have ever wanted?
My new roommate is a total cutie, which is the weirdest way to describe a guy when you’re straight.
The more time I spend with Isaac, the less certain I am about everything I thought I knew. Either I am not myself, or I never have been. The weird thing is, I’ve never felt more alive.
It doesn’t matter, though. A no-good, terrible, horrible guy from his past leads him on with the sweetest promises and I’d be a fool to get involved.
Yet I need to have him, even if it’s for a little while.
The Geeky Jock Paradox is the fifth and final book in the College Boys of New Haven series. It's the perfect match for all fans of college MM romance, high steam and low angst, bisexual awakening, and nerd/jock pairings. It features the sweetest the-right-one-was-there-all-along moment and a very happy ending. All College Boys of New Haven books can be read as stand-alones and in any order.
I love the way Hunter brings Isaac to see himself in a new light. He grows in confidence and self-esteem and it's all beautiful to see.
I highly recommend The Geeky Jock Paradox to anyone looking for a nice escape. You won't regret taking the time out of real life to enjoy this Hayden Hall book.
Season's Change (Trade Season #1) by Cait Nary
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